Archive for January, 2012

David Cameron puts the King James Bible back in every school in England, with intro from Michael Gove

In 2011 we celebrated the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible.

Venues up and down the country displayed ancient prints of this wonderful translation of the Holy Scriptures.

Recent news declares that the government has recognized the significance of the King James Bible and has announced plans to put the King James Bible in every school in Britain, with a new intro by Education Secretary Michael Gove. This is part of the 400th anniversary.

This wonderful and right move of the government has been criticized by none-religious groups who say that David Cameron is wrong to make spending cuts yet spend large amounts of money on such a move as this? Yet has there not been a mention of donations?

Richy Thompson from the British Humanist association has said these actions from the government are “unacceptable”. However, he clearly says this for merely humanistic reasons, but Thompson is wrong, the word of God is more important than humanism and prosperity. The reason I say that is because from my perspective, humanism in its present form is temporal, but the word of God is eternal. Thus, it is not that humanism does not have value, it does, but it is temperal. Likewise, so too is proseperity, as Jesus said, “For, what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul“. (Matthew 16: 26. KJV)

I believe it is only right to teach science in schools, but in that, creationist science should be properly taught and not just evolutionary science. Having said that, I admit that there is bad creationist science, but there is also good creationist science. The key is to attain a steady balance!

The problem is that likewise, creationism should not be made a naughty word by evolutionists.

The reason I say this is because I believe the heart of the problem in England at present is concerning the decline in Biblical truth and the over emphasis upon evolution, which research reveals is the main stumbling block today from young people believing in God and the Bible.

Young people are told scientific opinion concerning the age of the earth and are told that evolution is no longer a theory, but is now a fact. That the Bible merely contradicts fact.

But we are rarely told that such claims are only the opinions of some scientists but not all scientists agree.

Thus, I believe the moral decline in Britain is a result of a distinct lack of Biblical truth and an over emphasis upon evolution which often leads to atheism.

Now, I know that atheists claim they live moral lives, and that may well be the case with some, but morality is not subject to individual view, for what one person sees as moral, another does not.

Thus, the problem which I see in England today is that scientists such as Richard Dawkins use science to contradict the Bible and all too many people use science as a means to atheism and many modern atheist evolutionist scientists seek to promote evolution and discredit the Bible and cast the Bible aside as a book of irrelevant myths and fairy-tales.

Anyhow, what more can we expect from unrepentant sinners?

For they inwardly desire the Word of God to be removed from education only to be regarded as mere literature and myth so our children can be brainwashed with the word of apostolic evolutionists who know enough about the human brain to know that if you tell a lie long enough and strong enough, the people will believe it.

Nevertheless, the Bible is a historical and distinctly important book, for us who are saved we know it is the very word of the living God.

Thank God that this move to put the Bible back in our schools has come at the right time.

I for one am very happy to hear about this great move by parliament and it surely is a move of God, for the Lord hears the prayers of His people and they are effectual and God will not let His word be mocked or cast aside for very long.

Man cannot take Israel out of Israel, nor can the word of God be taken out of His people.

Learn the lesson o man, the word of God is here to stay and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

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Sherlock – BBC – Series 2 – Why so much Blasphemy my dear Watson?

During my childhood I grew up watching the classic black and white Sherlock Holmes movies starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr Watson. In a series of 14 movies released between 1939 – 1946, these familiar films contain various adaptations and re-inventions of the original Conan Doyle stories of which 12 movies were set in the 1940’s. Sadly this series did not portray Watson quite accurately.

In the 1980’s – 1990’s we saw an excellent return of Holmes and Watson in the series made for TV starring Jeremy Brett. For me, and from a viewpoint of the acting alone, the Jeremy Brett series is the cream of Conan Doyle adaptations and is greatly admired by many who know and have read the original stories.

However, what we find today with the more recent Sherlock Holmes adaptations is a somewhat confused re-interpretation of Holmes which is about as accurate to Conan Doyle as Braveheart was to William Wallace.

Over the last 2 years or so there has been a number of modern re-interpretations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s private consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes on both cinema and television.

In 2009 the cinema was hit with a blockbuster version of Sherlock Holmes re-interpreted as played by Robert Downey Jnr. Downey played Sherlock as a somewhat comical, messy Chaplinesque type character. In 2011 the screen was hit yet again with a Downey playing a Sherlock who was this time more like ‘Iron Man’ than Holmes. Thus, Sherlock moved from Chaplinesque to Iron Man.

In the recent BBC series, ‘Sherlock’, and distinctly throughout series 2, we saw a Sherlock who is somewhat cold and aggressive and lacks the quality of respect of the character within the original writings. Though well acted and well made, the stories moved a little and were often unclear and a little more far fetched than the original Conan Doyle stories, likewise we also find a Watson who is now distinctly and repeatedly guilty of blasphemy against the name of Jesus Christ.

This blasphemy can be found in all three episodes of series 2.

Likewise, in episode 1 of series 2, “A Scandal in Belgravia” we find a distinct atheist influenced statement from the script, in which Watson while in conversation with a very odd interpretation of Irene Adler, made a distinct atheist statement. In a response to a comment concerning mobile phone texts, we heard Watson say, “Sherlock always replies to everything. He’s mister punchline, he will outlive God trying to have the last word”.

This statement is odd, since Sherlock does not actually exist so how can he outlive God?

The series concluded with episode 3 “The Reichenbach fall” which contained an out of character portrayal of a suicidal Moriarty who near ruins Sherlock and then commits suicide by putting a gun in his mouth and firing it without any sign of armed police showing up? But still, a surprising event concluded with Sherlock appearing to commit suicide by jumping off a building and crashing to the floor, yet within moments and yet again another blasphemous use of the name of Jesus, it became apparently clear that Sherlock had actually faked his own death.

I watched the episode and compared it with the original Conan Doyle ending and I could not help but regard the original ending far better and more realistic than the modern. However, I noticed from the modern version a distinct paralleled mind game complete with a simulative subliminal reference to the death of Jesus, which in this case Sherlock appears to have died and is soon resurrected and stands watching his closest friends visit his grave. This comparison was also made a little more evident when ‘Radio Times’ published a review by David Brown on 15th January 2012, in which Brown said, quote, “Even Jesus took three days before His miraculous resurrection”. Thus containing a very immature and distinctly poor reference to the resurrection of Jesus as though it took Jesus 3 days to rise again and thus Sherlock rose from the grave quicker than Christ. The difference is that Jesus did actually die as history proves and He did raise Himself from the dead which is also a historical fact. He did not merely appear to make a careful plan to jump off a building with restricted landing view and apparently into a padded parked van on the road?

However, the problem is that the Sherlock BBC TV series was created by two modern atheist screenwriters, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss and it is apparent when considering modern atheism in Britain that the screen writers are inwardly using Sherlock as a spokesman for modern atheism and I am curious to know if there is a larger game afoot? After all, Conan Doyle was a spiritualist and not an atheist.

Likewise we not only did we hear the Watson of this series make such a dogmatic atheist statement that Sherlock will outlive God, but we also hear Watson blaspheme the name of Jesus more times than I care to mention.

Which begs the question; how is it that we hear so much blasphemy these days and why is so much of this blasphemy directed against the name of the Christian God?

Why is blasphemy against Jesus Christ permitted on screen yet we do not hear the same for Mohammed or Allah?

Is this fair?
Is this right?
Is this moral?
Is this acceptable?

Don’t take me wrongly, for my faith is very strong and I am not offended by blasphemy, for people merely bring destruction upon themselves, and likewise, I am good with re-interpretations of classic stories but maybe the BBC should stop playing the coward and maybe next time the scriptwriters for Sherlock series 3 should try adding the name of ‘Allah’ or ‘Mohammed’ in their long list of blasphemies, if they dare!

We like Sherlock and maybe people may make more accurate versions once again, but until then the question remains; is Sherlock now being made a spokesman for modern atheism which thinks it will outlive God?
I leave the matter for the moment in Conan Doyle’s own words from the familiar and intellegent Sherlock we all know;

There’s an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it’s God’s own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.”

Sherlock Holmes
His last bow

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